
For those of you who are new to commissioning, here's a step-by-step rundown of how it works. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

What kinds of artwork do you do?
I'm comfortable with fantasy/dark/historical period art in either a polished detailed style or a looser sketchy style. I'm very happy to try other genres, however. I do NOT do fanart (of copyrighted material), graphic adult content, hate-oriented content. And to be honest, I would not be comfortable doing heavily religious or political themed works either. If you're not sure, please feel free to ask.

How do I contact you for a commission?
If you're a member of DeviantArt, you can send me a note.
Otherwise, please e-mail me at art[at]hakubaikou[dot]com.

How do I describe what I want?
Most of my private commissions are of characters from RPG's or novels that people are writing. Not quite sure how to describe your character? Try these suggestions.

Who has the rights to the artwork?
I retain all rights to the artwork I create. I may post the artwork on my site as a sample or as part of my portfolio, but I will post information giving you full credit as the creator of the actual character. I will also be happy to link to your website if you have one. I will never sell the artwork as prints or try to make money off of it in any way (beyond what you've already paid me.) You are free to use the artwork for whatever non-commercial purposes you'd like. You can do whatever you want with it and post it anywhere. As long as you don't use the image for profit.

How do I pay for the commission?
Once you tell me what you'd like me to draw, I can give you an estimate of how much the total will be. I ask for half the payment upfront, and the rest when I deliver the final image with a watermark on it. Once I receive the second payment, I'll send you an invoice and the full resolution artwork with all the watermarks removed. For online commissions, I only accept Paypal.

What do I get?
You get a high-resolution image file of your artwork. (This file will be large enough for large size prints. You can print it on your own printer, or you can upload it to most photo centers and online printing sites.) You'll also get smaller versions of the image that you can post on-line. For convenience, I usually deliver the image online (either as e-mail or as a password protected download), but I can also send a CD of the file if you'd like.

Contact: e-mail: art[at]hakubaikou[dot]com
Or send a note at

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